Pregnancy Drip

Pregnancy is a beautiful and wonderful experience that a woman gets to go through; however, it doesn’t come without its challenges.  If you are experiencing fatigue, morning sickness, or acid reflux while pregnant, then this infusion is for you!  Our pregnancy drip is completely safe for Mom and Baby.

- 1 liter of normal saline fluids to hydrate and refresh the skin

- B Complex. The five essential B vitamins(B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) in B complex are crucial for increasing energy and managing stress. 

- Extra Vitamin B6. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends Vitamin B6 as a first line treatment for morning sickness. 

- Pepcid.  This is an antacid medication that helps relieve acid reflux and an upset stomach that so many women experience during pregnancy.  This is included but optional.